Around the Farm Sophisticated Cloud Around the Farm Sophisticated Cloud

Springtime in the Garden at StarHill

It is beginning to look a lot like springtime. That means the garden work is getting busier and busier. In this post, our Head Gardener, Jerry Winkelmann, shares a bit about what’s growing and some improvements made around the garden to make visiting it even more fun!

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Farm Activities, Around the Farm, Head Gardener Sophisticated Cloud Farm Activities, Around the Farm, Head Gardener Sophisticated Cloud

Walking the Garden at StarHill Farms

One of the reasons people come visit StarHill Farms is to get back in touch with nature. Being only an hour and a half from Houston makes this an easy destination to do just that. But, what is a good way to connect once you’re here?

Take a walk in the garden. The farm has several places to stop and take in nature. One of my favorites is the garden. This post walks you through touring the garden and inspires you to plant one of your own.

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Travel, Horses, Around the Farm Sophisticated Cloud Travel, Horses, Around the Farm Sophisticated Cloud

A Trip for Two to StarHill Farms

In this post, “Mrs. Always Right” a.k.a. Lauren, takes you on a trip to the farm, one filled with romance and relaxation. “…StarHill Farms transports you to another world. Yes, it’s Texas—but it’s not the Texas I see on a daily basis (i.e. skyscrapers, traffic, and an overload of concrete). It’s a vast land of quiet beauty that touches your soul the second you hit the dirt road, roll the windows down, and smell the fresh air...”  

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